I'm not a big Valentine's Day girl (though a card will never go unrewarded if you are reading this, Charlie ;-). However, kids. So, Valentines goodie bags for my three loves, here we come (thanks to @yourfriendAnnie) The thing is, I am not AT ALL opposed to chocolate. I just don’t really enjoy the overly sweet, sticky, processed box o' blood sugar spikers that make me mysteriously unable to stop, and cause severe crash and burn, post binge. Instead, I have been making these healthy Chocolate Fudge bites that check all my cocoa covered boxes. They are insane --not. even. joking. (adopted from Thrive with Priscilla (www.thrivewithpriscilla.com).
—1 Scoop Chocolate Protein Powder (whichever you like best)
—1/2 cup almond butter/cashew butter/peanut butter (make sure there is no sugar added as some brands are wont to do)
—1/2 cup Cacao Butter, melted (see: Whole Foods)
—2 TB Raw Cacao Powder
—Pinch Sea Salt
—Nuts of your choice to hide inside for a salivary surprise!
In a high-speed blender, pour in melted cacao butter. Add in the nut butter of your choice, chocolate protein powder, cacao powder, and pinch of salt. Blend on high until well incorporated and creamy smooth. Pour chocolate mixture into empty ice cube tray (or molds if you have them). Place a nut or two inside each piece. Sprinkle with just a little chunky sea salt (Maldon is my fave). Place into the freezer for 20 minutes. Watch as your kids devour them, none the wiser.